Land sales
Land sale refers to the process of selling AdaLand land parcels to interested buyers in our community - making them land owners and enabling them to participate in our AdaLand metaverse economy and its economic upside.
Land sales will be conducted in increments.
The first 10,000 land parcels of the AdaLand metaverse will be offered for sale to the public on the 17th of May 2022 at 6 PM UTC. The price will be 70 ADA per land parcel. In our community Discord we also decided to provide whitelisted members with a discount - they will be able to buy a land parcel for 65 ADA. This is a common mechanism to reward early believers in AdaLand and strong supporters in our Discord community with ownership in the most important asset of our project: land. Up to 20 land parcels will be purchasable in 1 transaction (no transaction limits).
The AdaLand land sale marks an important fund raising event for the community.
As soon as land will be distributed, community members will have the option to 1. trade land, 2. build businesses and metaverse assets on their land and 3. participate in AdaLand's revenue that is generated through our company partnerships and the AdaLand Developer Program.
The royalty rate for land reselling has been set to an industry-standard rate of 5% in order to rewards long-term land holders. All royalty proceeds go to the AdaLand treasury for investment in key project cornestones such as the AdaLand Developer Program. Investment decisions will be voted upon in the AdaLand community.
Land sale 2 will be announced to the AdaLand community and stakeholders as soon as critical development milestones (see roadmap) have been reached.
Last updated