
When is the mint?

Public mint is on 17th May 1800 UTC.

What is the minting price?

The minting price is 70 ADA per land parcel. You can mint up to 20 land parcels in 1 transaction. There is no limit to how many transactions you can do.

How many land parcels will be for sale in total?

10k land parcels in total will be publicly available for Land Sale 1.

30K land parcels in total for Land Sale 1-3.

How to mint:

  1. Download and register a Cardano based wallet such as Nami, Flint, Yoroi, Daedalus or CCvault.

  2. Fill up your balance in ADA

  3. Click "Connect wallet" on our website to be redirected to the payment process

  4. You will receive your Land Parcel shortly Alternative step: You can check your Land Parcel by visiting pool.pm/[yourCardanoWalletAddress]

How many land parcels can I mint?

You can mint up to 20 land parcels in 1 transaction. There is no limit to how many transactions you can do.

What is the policy ID?

Land Sale 1: f029a2485faadea7dabd83c902691edd4e549958c2a3fb2ee0e3c803

How can I reach out to you guys?

Please contact us using the general chat on Discord, or by sending a mail mail to AdaLandcorp@gmail.com with title “Help Service [title of subject]”.

Last updated